
Loan Management Software

When most small finance company owners think of loan servicing, they think of a business where they know their borrowers and have to rely on their own memory to know what is happening with each loan. AutoPal tries to remove your personal memory from the equation. Inside of AutoPal software, you will be able to see a full, up-to-date amortization schedule all the time. You can also see a loan history in the loan archive and AutoPal keeps track of what you do inside of each loan. You also have tools like the notes and customizable checklist that will make it easy for you to keep track of interactions with your borrowers.

But to describe how AutoPal lifts loan servicing to the level of loan management, let's start at the beginning. AutoPal is web-based, this means that you can access your loans from any location where you have internet access. This makes it easy to service loans from any computer in the office, at home, or on vacation. At AutoPal, we try to make it so that you need the least customer interactions possible. You can run your finance company as a separate business with very few employees. Running a finance company should never have to interfere with running a dealership of any kind.

AutoPal gives you all the tools you need to easily originate loans, including the creation and printing of necessary loan documents. AutoPal helps you through the servicing process by let you set up automatic notifications and automatic payments. AutoPal also helps with your bookkeeping by automatically sending information to QuickBooks using our live QuickBooks integration. AutoPal will also help you close your loans, letting you track loan status, keep track of necessary tasks like creating and sending out paperwork, etc.

So stop simply servicing your loans, and let AutoPal manage your loans so that you can spend your time doing what you want. Click here to use the software for free, or contact our sales department at 888.725.4495 xtn 303.

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